Friday, September 30, 2005

Not happy? Hijack the ferry!

We know that the strike is a national sport in France, but the methods are constantly improving.
Seamen of the SNCM (a government-owned ferry company operating between the Riviera and Corsica) decided that because they worked on it, the boat was theirs, so they should “take it back to the Corsican people.” Unbelievable! Property rights 101 would be useful for these folks!

Just a short background on this story: for a long time, the SNCM had a monopoly in the maritime routes between south of France and Corsica. Based upon new European rules, the French government had to open this market to private companies in the nineties. Since then, the private companies are profitable and compete with the state-owned company which loses almost $50 million a year due to the lack of productivity and business organization. However, it took a while for the French authorities to decide the privatization of the company; they basically had the choice between privatization and liquidation!

While any person with some economical sense knows that it is not the role of the government to operate a ferry company, especially on such a huge market where private companies can compete in the consumers’ interest, it seems that most of French political parties and labors still believe so!

Hence, thinking that they are supported by the “public opinion,” seamen hijacked one of the company ferries and left for the Corsican beaches. The Army had to intervene to bring the ferry back to French shores, and hopefully to take the larcenists to jail.

The worst part of the story may be the outcome: the government tries now to find an alternative to privatization.

What will be the real result? Larcenists will get part of what they want, government will appear weak and tax payers will have to contribute to save a company that does not deserve to be in existence!


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